Computer Crusader

Cheap and fast Computer & MAC repair ×  Chattanooga, TN × Fixing all pc and mac issues!







Our customers love us! One of Chattanooga’s highest rated businesses!


Contact Us

The best way to reach Computer Crusader is to text: 678-813-1338! We can receive text, email, and voicemail messages 24/7/365.

Feel free to contact us using the form below, too, but please keep in mind many email services block email replies, so you may not see our very fast replies! It really is best to text us!

If you do write a message below, please understand your email spam system will probably prevent a reply from reaching you. PLEASE include your phone number so we can reach out to you quickly! We will only call you if you tell us to, otherwise, we text!

Computer Crusader services Chattanooga, TN. In most cases, you will need to bring your PC to the shop. We also feature remote support services via software for certain issues/requests.


Computer Crusader does not repair physically damaged phones.

Computer Crusdaer does not repair video game consoles.

Computer Crusader does not accept employment applications or sales propositions.

Computer Crusader does not buy any PCs or parts (unless they are vintage Macs from before the year 2000).

Computer Crusader does not clean computers for biological substances such as blood, bile (vomit), tar from smoking, urine, scat, bugs/insect infestations.

If roaches or bedbugs are present in your PC, Computer Crusader reserves the right to refuse service. Any attempt to deceive or not check a PC for bed bugs / roaches incurs an automatic $500 charge.




1112 Overlook Ave.,
Chattanooga, TN





Computer Crusader provides competent, caring computer repair services at a fair price for personal or business purposes.

For a little about my background in computing, I have been working on, building, and repairing computers for over 20 years now. I grew up working with computers, and they are now a lifetime career. I have two college degrees in IT hardware and networking. I have worked in many different computer jobs doing just about everything there is to do with in-home computing, commercial IT setups, networking, and software support. within the last few years i have obtained the highest clearance possible and work in cybersecurity with the u.s. government.

My experience and my personal passion for IT has given me a strong foundation on which to serve my customers. I've met so many interesting, wonderful souls while helping people, and I would love to meet you and help you with any computer issue you have.

Please contact me if you have any computer or IT issues, at home or at your business, and I promise you I'll give you the best solution possible. That is the Computer Crusader difference.

Thank You and I look forward to hearing from you!

Computer Crusader, LLC